Hi Phenix users!
You are invited to the ACA meeting in Philadelphia! Abstracts are still being accepted (see the invitation below).
All the best,
Tom T
Tom Terwilliger
Vice President, ACA
Abstracts still being accepted
ACA 2015 Meeting - July 25-29
Philadelphia, PA
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ACA Annual Meeting • Philadelphia, PA • July 25 - 29, 2015
Submit abstract now to be considered for an oral presentation. Once all the lectures are scheduled, abstracts will continue to be accepted for poster presentations.
Exhibit Showhttp://amercrystalassn.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3e43dd9d1724b97d2bc286881&id=02f4dedb66&e=9b7bdbf1d3
First-time exhibitors receive 25% discount
Discount rates for Not-for profits
Corporate Members receive an additional discount
Coffee breaks & poster sessions held in the exhibit hall to offer multiple opportunities to reach your target audience
Your website linked on the meeting page
Free listing in ACA RefleXions and Program & Show Guides
Special sponsorships for Exhibitors only
Call for Papers:http://amercrystalassn.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3e43dd9d1724b97d2bc286881&id=270701d41c&e=9b7bdbf1d3
40% of talks selected from contributed abstracts
No abstract submission fee
Lower registration fees for members
Sessions for students & young scientists on career directions, reviewer practices & more
Full scientific program:www.AmerCrystalAssn.orghttp://amercrystalassn.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3e43dd9d1724b97d2bc286881&id=fd4ad5115f&e=9b7bdbf1d3
Join or pay membership dues and save on Registration fees
Corporate Members receive advertising and exhibiting discounts
Early bird rates until May 31
Online registration now openhttp://amercrystalassn.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3e43dd9d1724b97d2bc286881&id=14cb125f04&e=9b7bdbf1d3
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