Dear All,
I first run
a default phenix.real_space_refine with the map and initial
model, with the model got, I run phenix.real_space_refine
with run=adp, I find for the second phenix.real_space_refine
step with run=adp, it can gives a reasonable value of
b-factors for each residues in the model, and it cannot modify
the coordinates of any atoms in the model (in comparison with
the model got by the default phenix.real_space_refine in the
first step).
I just
read a Nature paper from David Baker group "Atomic-accuracy
models from 4.5-Ĺ cryo-electron microscopy data with
density-guided iterative local refinement", it says "Because
cryo-EM maps are frequently better in resolution in some
regions than others, atomic B factors are
fit against cryo-EM density data to maximize the real-space
correlation between model and map".
For Real-space B-factor
refinement, the math functions used by that Nature paper
( f is a scattering
factor fit to each element)
My question
is, does b-factor refine only give a reasonable b-factor to
each atom or residue in the model (so that we know the
displacement of each atom or residue), or besides giving
reasonable b-factor, it can also change and optimize the x y z
coordinates of each atom in the model, and the phenomenon I
observed in phenix.real_space_refine on that it only gives
reasonable b-factor without modification of the x y z
coordinates was only limited to the case I see in