Dear PHENIX programmers, I would like to preface this comment by saying that I love your suite of programs. I have converted to a 100% PHENIX fan girl and am dragging the rest of my lab down with me. I realize that you have a lot on your plates right now, what with all the bug fixes, updates, and bulletin board troubleshooting that you do. I am also primarily a biologist and have no comprehension of the effort required to keep everything running, but I do have a suggestion/request. I was putting the finishing touched on the first draft of a manuscript today and thought to myself, wouldn't it me wonderful if PHENIX could generate that all important crystallographic Table 1. You know the one that I am talking about with the data and refinement statistics. I am thinking a combination of PDB_EXTRACT and MOLEMAN where you input the log files from scaling and refinement and it outputs a handy-dandy test file with "parameter<tab>number that could easily be imported into your favorite spreadsheet (Open Office or Excel). I envision an interface with check boxes for the parameters you want to include and a place were you could input the resid of ligands for atom and b-factor counts. Like I said it is just a suggestion, in case you find yourselves bored and with time on your hands. Thanks for your time, Katherine -- SIPPEL,KATHERINE H Ph. D. candidate McKenna Lab Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology College of Medicine University of Florida