Dear PHENIXbb, I would like to bring to your attention our upcoming symposium (May 11-12) hosted here at Purdue University for students and postdocs. There will also be a Career Session on May 10th for students and postdocs only. More information is listed below and can also be accessed on our website: Symposium Website: Symposium Flyer: Registration (including breakfast and lunch for both days and a T-shirt!) and abstract submission are completely FREE! And now, we are offering at least 10 travel grants (up to $150 each) for students and postdocs who are within driving distance of Purdue. Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Nick Nicholas Noinaj 240 S. Martin Jischke Dr. Hockmeyer Building of Structural Biology, Rm 333 Dept. of Biological Sciences, Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN 47907 765-496-0061 (office) 765-496-0059 (wetlab) [email protected] ++++++++ Greetings all from Purdue! We would like to cordially invite you, your colleagues, students, postdocs and staff to our upcoming symposium hosted here at Purdue University, West Lafayette campus. The name of the symposium is: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy symposium May 11-12, 2016 ARMS 1010, Purdue University The symposium will highlight research from students and postdocs from neighboring institutions and from many departments here at Purdue including Biological Sciences, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics and Astronomy. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Kwong from NIAID/NIH who will talk about his work on ‘Multi-dimensional searching and the coordinates of effective HIV-1 and RSV vaccines’. In addition to the keynote address, the symposium will include six scientific sessions covering the following topics: Disease, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics; Biosynthesis and Catalysis; Biophysical Methods and Emerging Techniques; Macromolecular Assemblies and Complexes; and Disorder and Conformational Plasticity. There will also be opportunities for discussion and interactions during catered breaks, a poster session, and a reception. And back by popular demand, a Career Session will also be hosted on the evening of May 10th at the Lafayette Brewing Company for students and postdocs and will include a panel representing industry, academia, and government. Registration and abstract submission are both FREE. Undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster or oral presentations. Prizes for best posters (undergrad ($100), grad ($150), and postdoc($150)) and oral presentations (grad ($200) and postdoc ($200)) will also be awarded at the close of the symposium. REGISTER NOW for the HG2BG symposium!!! The deadline is quickly approaching!!! Click link below to Register (Abstract submission NOT required!): Just LOOK at ALL the FREE stuff you get with registration: Just a 1-click, 1-minute process FREE registration fees! FREE abstracts submission! FREE attendance to the Career Session which includes food and drinks at Lafayette Brewing Company! FREE HG2BG symposium T-shirt! FREE chance to win either a poster/oral presentation prize ($100-$200 each)! FREE food and drinks at the poster presentations/reception! FREE breakfast for both days of the symposium! FREE lunch for both days of the symposium! FREE travel grants for up to $150 each for registrants from neighboring institutions (10 available)! FREE attendance to all poster and oral presentations, including talk by Peter Kwong! We look forward to your participation and another successful symposium! On behalf of the organizing committee: Satarupa Bhaduri (Biological Sciences) Chen Chen (Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology) Samantha Lee (Biochemistry) Ngango Yvon Rugema (Chemistry) Phillip Rushton (Biological Sciences/ PULSe) Valentyn Stadnytskyi (Physics and Astronomy) Dr. Nicholas Noinaj (Faculty advisor; Biological Sciences) A special thanks to our corporate sponsors: Millipore(Jim Henderson) Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC (Sam Byerly) Molecular Dimensions (Issa Isaac) Qiagen (Andrew Fritts) Rigaku (Angela Criswell) TTP Labtech (Melanie Adams) Anatrace (Ed Pryor) Hinds Instruments (Connie Wimmer) Beckman Coulter (Jona Kristo) Mitegen (Ben Apker) Fisher Scientific (Keven Peterson) Sigma Aldrich (Rick Belcher)