Hi, This is really a ccp4-provoked question, but it relates to phaser & cctbx (I think), so I'll try here as well: After an install of ccp4 on a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard and on a MacPro running Leopard, the command: source /sw*/bin/init.csh (where /sw* is either /sw64 on the machine running 10.6, or /sw on the machine running 10.5) gives the error: ******************************************* Fatal Error: Incomplete libtbx environment! ******************************************* Please re-run the libtbx/configure.py command. If I go to ...ccp4.../src/phaser/phaser-2.1.4/libtbx/ and type python configure.py Then it tells me that the md5 module is deprecated, and that the cool kids use hashlib instead. Does this mean that I need to go to an earlier version of python? Will that mess up other things? Curiously, one machines giving this problem has python 2.5.1, while the other has 2.6. However, I currently have python 2.5.1 running on another machine (albeit with a slightly earlier version of ccp4) and it doesn't give me this problem. Ideas? Thanks, Pat --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patrick J. Loll, Ph. D. Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Director, Biochemistry Graduate Program Drexel University College of Medicine Room 10-102 New College Building 245 N. 15th St., Mailstop 497 Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192 USA (215) 762-7706 [email protected]