IMAGINE, Neutron Crystallography Diffractometer

High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Call for proposals for experiments anticipated to run from August through December 2013


You are invited to apply for beam time on the neutron quasi-Laue diffractometer IMAGINE, at the High Flux Isotope Reactor. Proposal will be accepted via the web-based proposal system until NOON Wednesday, July 31, 2013.

This call is for experiments anticipated to run from August through December 2013.


Please see the attached flyer for additional information. For technical information about the capabilities of IMAGINE go to or contact Flora Meilleur, [email protected], or Andrey Kovalevsky, [email protected].


Flora Meilleur, Ph. D

Assistant Professor, Molecular and Structural Biochemistry

North Carolina State University

IMAGINE lead scientist, Neutron Sciences Directorate

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Phone: 865-242-5747