Dear all, I've got a problem when rerunning the same job of my project in the new laptop. I've found that it's because of the NCS restraint groups set-up In the old computer I set two NCS restraints groups as: First group: Reference group: chain A and sidechain and resid 3:216 and not (resid 63 or resid 66 or resid 81 or resid 93 or resid 133 or resid 135 or resid 181 or resid 184 or resid 193 or resid 194 or resid 212) Second group: Reference group: chain A and backbone and resid 3:217 and not (resid 63 or resid 133 or resid 135 or resid 184) And the refine_phenix run well in the old computer, but the new laptop with the error in the end of this letter. I've found that if I delete the backbone in the second group, it runs again. So I wonder that how I could refine NCS restraint of backbone now? Thank you in advance. Ngan RuntimeError : mean() argument is an empty array Traceback: File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/libtbx/thread_utils.py", line 223, in run return_value = self._target(self._args, self._kwargs, self._c) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/libtbx/runtime_utils.py", line 58, in __call__ result = self.target() File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/phenix/phenix/refinement/runtime.py", line 68, in __call__ call_back_handler=callback) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/phenix/phenix/refinement/command_line.py", line 89, in run call_back_handler=call_back_handler) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/phenix/phenix/refinement/driver.py", line 1278, in run reference_model_manager = self.reference_model_manager) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/phenix/phenix/refinement/strategies.py", line 322, in refinement_machine monitors.collect(step = "0 :", model = model, fmodels = fmodels) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/__init__.py", line 51, in collect rigid_body_shift_accumulator = rigid_body_shift_accumulator) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/print_statistics.py", line 263, in collect ignore_side_chain = True, File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/model.py", line 971, in geometry_statistics restraints_manager = self.restraints_manager) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/model_statistics.py", line 38, in __init__ compute_gradients = True) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/restraints.py", line 66, in energies_sites normalization=False) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/ncs/restraints.py", line 686, in energies_sites self.compute_operators(sites_cart=sites_cart) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/ncs/restraints.py", line 679, in compute_operators self.operators.append(group.operators(sites_cart=sites_cart)) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/ncs/restraints.py", line 336, in operators return _operators(group=self, sites_cart=sites_cart) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/mmtbx/ncs/restraints.py", line 442, in __init__ other_sites=sites_cart.select(pair[1])) File "/Applications/PHENIX-1.7.1-743/Contents/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/scitbx/math/superpose.py", line 58, in __init__ self.reference_shift = reference_sites.mean() Platform info: __FILE__ = /net/patchnose/scratch1/phenix/phenix-1.7.1-743/cctbx_project/boost_adaptbx/meta_ext.cpp __DATE__ = Apr 28 2011 __TIME__ = 02:15:10 __i386__ __APPLE_CC__ = 5367 __GNUC__ = 4 __GNUC_MINOR__ = 0 __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ = 1 boost::python::cxxabi_cxa_demangle_is_broken(): false __GXX_WEAK__ = 1 __VERSION__ = 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367) FE_INEXACT = 32 FE_DIVBYZERO = 4 FE_UNDERFLOW = 16 FE_OVERFLOW = 8 FE_INVALID = 1 FE_ALL_EXCEPT = 61 __SSE2__ = 1 BOOST_LIB_VERSION = 1_47 PY_VERSION = 2.7.1 PYTHON_API_VERSION = 1013 sizeof(bool) = 1 sizeof(short) = 2 sizeof(int) = 4 sizeof(long) = 4 sizeof(std::size_t) = 4 sizeof(void*) = 4 sizeof(long long) = 8 sizeof(float) = 4 sizeof(double) = 8 sizeof(long double) = 16 sizeof(boost::int32_t) = 4 sizeof(boost::uint32_t) = 4 sizeof(wchar_t) = 4 __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ Py_USING_UNICODE sizeof(PY_UNICODE_TYPE) = 2 BOOST_ADAPTBX_TYPE_ID_SIZE_T_EQ_UNSIGNED_LONG os.namehttp://os.name: posix sys.platform: darwin sys.byteorder: little platform.platform(): Darwin-10.7.4-x86_64-i386-32bit platform.architecture(): ('32bit', '') floating_point_exceptions.division_by_zero_trapped: False floating_point_exceptions.invalid_trapped: False floating_point_exceptions.overflow_trapped: False number of processors: 4 Memory total: 4,294,967,296 Memory free: unknown import thread: OK "hello" = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] u"hello" = ['h', '\x00', 'e', '\x00', 'l', '\x00', 'l', '\x00', 'o', '\x00'] u"\u00C5" = ['\xc5', '\x00'] as utf-8 = ['\xc3', '\x85'] LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE = √Ö