18 Apr
18 Apr
8:05 p.m.
Is there a way to provide a random seed to "phenix.reflection_file_converter" such that two runs will produce the same result (the same reflection set flagged as free)? What would be the syntax? For while I could only find for the context of refinement and simulated annealing ...
Sorry, the option is missing. However, you can easily patch the script to set the random seed. Please try this: cp $PHENIX/iotbx/iotbx/command_line/reflection_file_converter.py myrfc.py Edit myrfc.py and insert these lines between "import sys" and "def run():": from cctbx.array_family import flex import random flex.set_random_seed(0) random.seed(0) Then: phenix.python myrfc.py ... with the ... same arguments as before. Ralf