Hi, all, I have a question for refinement. I have a data set for refinement at 3.8A (outshell I/sigma ~1.0). When I processed the data, I kept anomalous data I+/I-. Because at that time I think I might have anomalous signal. But later I found that the protein coordinated with wrong metal, so I don’t really have anomalous scatters. I have good model from high resolution data. When I refined the structure, I found that refined against I+/I- give lower R/Rfree (23.0%/27.0%) than against Imean (25.1%/28.3%). When I used I+/I-, I knew I doubled reflections/parameters ratio. I also let Phenix both X-ray stereochemistry/ADP weight. The refined models have similar geometry. So should I use I+/I- for refinement since it gives lower R factor? Guangyu Zhu