Hi Tom,
All you should need is the...
Great. Thanks.
Note: it may be helpful to run one or more of the regression tests on this to make sure you have everything set up correctly. You can do this for example with one of these:
phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta test_mr_rosetta # one full test, takes 15 minutes
I saw the note about the regression test in the docs a few minutes after I sent the last email, and it passed the default 7 tests without issue. (As an side, the whole list of phenix_regression.foo tools looks kind of exciting. That tells you something about my personality I guess. I'm not sure what. :-) The docs here need a little attention: http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/mr_rosetta.htm Some of the blocks of code lead with an incorrect: phenix.mr_rosetta exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz sequence.dat And Rosetta 3.2 is out now, so that part can be updated. Thanks. -ben -- | Ben Eisenbraun | SBGrid Consortium | http://sbgrid.org | | Harvard Medical School | http://hms.harvard.edu |