Since you are already in Phenix - How about the option under "Model tools" called "PDB file editor"?
When you open this option it asks for a pdb file, and once loaded you can select (click on) your chain. Click "Edit" from the top bar and select "Renumber residues". It pops up a box asking how much to increment the numbers by and produces the renumbered pdb file. (Note - it will accept negative numbers as well)
Many other options there too...
Kind regards,
Christina R. Bourne, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Oklahoma
101 Stephenson Parkway, SLSRC Rm 2610
Norman, OK 73019
Office +1 (405) 325-5348
Mobile +1 (405) 338-5616
On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:21 PM, Rojan Shrestha