Dear colleagues, Please pass this along anyone who might be interested. Thanks! /Bjørn Postdoctoral position in structure of sugar and phytohormone transporting membrane proteins at Aarhus University, Denmark. online posting: https://www.au.dk/om/stillinger/job/postdoctoral-position-in-structure-of-su... We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated postdoc with an interest in working on sugar and hormone transporting membrane transporters and preferably with a proven track record in the area of structural and/or functional analysis of membrane proteins. The position will be open from summer 2023, but starting date is negotiable. Funding is available for at least 2 years of employment, with an extension possible for up to 4 years. The position: The position seeks to strengthen ongoing activities in the our group related to the function and mechanism of sugar-transporting and hormone-transporting membrane proteins in plants (pedersenlab.dk). Examples of our research can be found in: Bavnhøj et al. “Molecular mechanism of sugar transport in plants unveiled by structures of glucose/H+ symporter STP10” Nature Plants 7 (2021) Ung et al. “Structures and mechanism of the plant PIN-FORMED auxin transporter” Nature 609 (2022). The laboratory's interest is the interplay between structure and function of transmembrane transport processes with a focus on metabolite uptake systems and proton driven transport, and the methods uses are primarily structural biology (cryo-EM, crystallography) and biochemistry. The group is part of the Section of Structural Biology at Aarhus University. The candidate: A successful candidate has a relevant Ph.D. degree and a solid and documented background in structural biology, biochemistry and/or biophysics. Experience with membrane protein expression and purification is favored, and the candidate must demonstrate an ability and interest to work with membrane proteins with a structural aim. Applicants should be ambitious, show strong collaborative skills, and be able to take initiatives and responsibility within the work environment. The successful candidate is offered: - access to a well-developed research infrastructure. - an exciting interdisciplinary environment with many national, international and industrial collaborators. - a research climate inviting lively, open and critical discussion within and across different fields of research. - a working environment with teamwork, close working relations, network activities among young scientists and social activities. - a workplace characterized by professionalism, equality and a healthy work-life balance. The city: In Aarhus you have easy access to beautiful nature, an exciting culture and city life as well as a safe environment for children - a great place for the whole family. The city of Aarhus has everything you need: exciting national and international jobs, delightful residential areas, a rich cultural life, and beautiful surrounding landscape of woods and coastline that make Aarhus a wonderful place to live and work. See “life in Denmark” at Aarhus and surroundings for further details on the city and the university (https://international.au.dk/life/locations/aarhusandsurroundings). Deadline: All applications must be made online and received by 15. May. 2023. See deails here: https://www.au.dk/om/stillinger/job/postdoctoral-position-in-structure-of-su...