Synchrotron beam time available to general users at NE-CAT (Sector 24 of APS) during the month of July

24ID-C beamline features:
    - Undulator beamline fully tunable from 6 to 21 keV (2.1 to 0.6 Angstroms)
    - PILATUS 6M pixel array detector, allowing continuous fine phi-sliced data acquisition at up to 25 frames per second
    - MD2 microdiffractometer  with triple aperture (70, 30, or 10 micron apertures)
    - MK3 mini-kappa available on the microdiffractometer allowing reorientation of crystals for better diffraction geometry.
    - ALS style sample mounting robot compatible with ALS pucks or Unipucks

24ID-E beamline features:
    - Fixed energy undulator beamline (12662 eV) optimized for Se-SAD data collection
    - Beam stability optimized for smaller beams (down to 5 micron)
    - ADSC Q315 CCD detector
    - MD2 microdiffractometer with triple aperture (50, 20, or 5 micron apertures)
    - ALS style sample mounting robot compatible with ALS pucks or Unipucks
    - Remote data collection available

For more info on our beamlines and updated schedule availability please see or contact Cyndi Salbego ([email protected]).

To apply for General User Time (Rapid Access for 2013-2 run) please go to:

Cyndi Salbego
Administrator, NE-CAT