Hi All

I was just going through the .help section and website documentation
for ordered_solvent.  And wonder if somebody could enlighten me as too
the meanings of;

ordered_solvent {
    primary_map_type = mFobs-DFmodel
    secondary_map_type = 2mFobs-DFmodel
    h_bond_min_mac = 1.8
    h_bond_min_sol = 1.8
    h_bond_max = 3.2
  peak_search {
    map_next_to_model {
      use_hydrogens = False
    max_number_of_peaks = None
    peak_search {
      peak_search_level = 1
      max_peaks = 0
      interpolate = True
      min_distance_sym_equiv = None
      general_positions_only = False
      min_cross_distance = 1.8

What is the difference between the primary and secondary map?  Is there
away to pick sites in one and remove in another? Eg. pick sites at 3 sigma
in FoFc and remove if 1.2 sigma in 2FoFc.

I thought h-bonding was generously about 2.4-3.6A so why the 1.8 and 3.2
defaults?  Also if use_hydrogens = True, does the refinement use h_bond
parameters instead of model_peak_dist and peak_peak_dist parameters, or
both? Also what do all of the peak_search parameters do?

And finally does anyone have any recommendations for progessively changing
the ordered_solvent parameters?  In CNS we used to gradually lower the
2FoFc peak picking (and deleting) and increase the bfactor_max for

Thanks Mark