On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Sebastiano Pasqualato <sebastiano.pasqualato@gmail.com> wrote:
sorry guys, this might be a silly one, but I can't see where I'm making the mistake.
Whenever I turn on TLS refinement, I get this error message.
And, as you can see, the Log file doesn't tell me much more.
I have generated the TLS groups wit the 'TLS groups selection' tool in phenix.

If you're using the automatic TLS partitioning, this must be a bug, because you do indeed have overlapping selections in the final parameters:

      tls = "chain 'A' and (resseq 728:777)"
      tls = "chain 'A' and (resseq 777:794)"
When I changed the second 777 to 778, the problem went away.  The current code finds a somewhat different set of TLS groups, so the problem may have been fixed already.  In any case, I will modify the code that was producing the error so it actually lists the offending selections and parameter name.
