Dear all, I have two open to work on fragment/XChem-related methodology for structure-based compound design. Team Leader (applications close next *Weds 1st May*): full ad here https://www.thesgc.org/careers/oxford/sgc-oxford-team-leader-xchem, summary: /We are recruiting an experienced computational chemist or scientific programmer, to head the Fragalysis project for automating fragment hit progression, part of the XChem collaboration between SGC and Diamond... The //Fragalysis https://fragalysis.diamond.ac.uk///project leader will be tasked with converting the existing proof-of-concept tool into a production-level system that is routinely usable for analysing XChem results and designing and acquiring follow-up compounds. This will entail setting the scientific direction and priorities of the project through close and continuous interaction with expert and novice users; coordinating a growing team of scientific programmers and contractors; liaising with and expanding a wide and international set of collaborators and contributors; securing further funding for the project; helping supervise students; and developing specific methodologies of their own./ Postdoc (closing *Weds 15th May*): full advert here https://www.thesgc.org/careers/oxford/sgc-oxford-postdoctoral-research-scien..., this is a summary: /This role will be tasked with the design and acquisition of follow-up compounds based on fragment screening hits from the Target Enabling Package (//www.thesgc.org/tep http://www.thesgc.org/tep//) and Ultra-DD (//www.ultra-dd.org http://www.ultra-dd.org//) programs. The successful candidate will coordinate experimental validation of the newly designed compounds with collaborating scientists in order to progress them towards potent molecules. / Cheers Frank -- Prof Frank von Delft Associate Professor Principal Investigator: Protein Crystallography Structural Genomics Consortium Oxford University +44 1865 617583 (office: W,F) Principal Beamline Scientist: I04-1 Diamond Light Source +44 1235 778997 (office: M,T,T) +44 7471 026103 (mobile)