Dear all: this may have been asked a thousand times, but: are the ccp4 standard monomer libraries incompatible with phenix.refine, and if yes, is there an easy way to resolve this? I am refining a structure with an FMN, which I build with the "get monomer" option in coot. Unfortunately, phenix.refine doesn't like it and throws it out. Using a cif generated with elbow, on the other hand, has chirality errors (which I can fix...) and isn't liked by coot (0.6.2), which refuses to refine the ligand. Thanks in advance for your help, Wulf -- Prof. Dr. Wulf Blankenfeldt NW-I, 2.0.U1.09 Universitaet Bayreuth fon: +49-(0)921-55-2427 Lehrstuhl fuer Biochemie fax: +49-(0)921-55-2432 Universitaetsstrasse 30 e-mail: wulf.blankenfeldt [at] uni-bayreuth.de 95447 Bayreuth web: www.biochemie.uni-bayreuth.de Germany