Dear All, I'm having problem with running ligand_identification script. All well up to the point where the ligand library is created and then for each ligand following error is displayed: Running job sequence 13, ligand 14, in /share/scratch/an... Sorry, resolve was not able to finish on the first cycle I suspect it has something to do with resolve size but there is no keyword like resolve_size for ligand_identification. I've tested my input files with 1.7.1-743 and dev-738 release - same results. Thanks in advance for the support! Regards, Andrzej -- Dr. Andrzej Lyskowski (andrzej[.]lyskowski[@]acib[.]at) ACIB Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Petersgasse 14, A-8010 Graz, Austria http://acib.at/ c/o IMB Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz Humboldtstraße 50,III/194, A-8010 Graz, Austria http://strubi.uni-graz.at/ +43 316 380 1993 tel +43 316 380 9897 fax