Dear Pavel,
yes, such an exact prediction of ordered water molecules
might be very helpful. I was sure that somebody else had
this idea already.
I was playing around with a few datasets truncated a low
resolution (3.5 - 4.0 A) and then compared Rwork/Rfree
using an input model with and without water molecules.
Clearly the water molecules had a large contribution in
the refinement of these artificially truncated datasets.
Sascha pointed me to an example in your paper from 2002:
Lunin, V.Y., Afonine, P. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2002)
"Likelihood-based refinement. 1. Irremovable model
errors.". Acta Cryst., A58, 270-282.
I had a look into the literature to get an idea and found
several programs evaluating the inner shell water
molecules and some programs predicting water positions. I
had a try only on a few programs. I found that a nice
summary is given in the publication on an approach called
Ross GA, Morris GM, Biggin PC (2012) "Rapid and accurate
prediction and scoring of water molecules in protein
binding sites." PLoS One 7(3):e32036.
But before analyzing many structures and see whether it
might work in general, my aim is much simpler. I have
high resolution structures of with water molecules and try
to implement the ordered water molecules into the
refinement of a protein complex at low resolution. My
approach was maybe a bit of naive so far but I am sure
there is good way to do that.
Best wishes, Guenter
I tried this idea back in 2004. In a nutshell: using all
(or categorized subset of) structures in PDB we can learn
about distribution of structured water and given this
knowledge we can build an a priori contribution of
scattering arising from such water to the scattering of
any given new structure or a structure at low resolution
(where the water is not visible in maps).
Either I did not spend enough time on this or the idea
wasn't viable, but one way or another this did not work in
my hands. I think it may be worth revisiting this 10 years
later! Perhaps I would do it better now than back then!
All the best,
On 11/16/14 2:19 PM,
Nathaniel Echols wrote:
I will leave it to others to debate the
wisdom of this strategy, but to answer the purely
technical question: