I figured as much that the integration used python given the ph in
phenix..hopefully python returns to the ccp4 provided coot . Till then I
guess I will use the fink compiled coot or Bill Scotts binaries.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Nathaniel Echols
Is it likely that the phenix-coot integration with the new GUI requires a
I am using the ccp4 6.1.3 coot 0.6 (revision 2540) [with guile 1.8.3 embedded] and phenix 1.6.289 on OSX snow leopard 10.6.2.
I know the ccp4 coot does not come with python scripting support ...the
On Mar 3, 2010, at 2:36 PM, hari jayaram wrote: python infused coot ?. Although I have set the coot path correctly nothing happens after coot launches . pymol integration seems fine , but coot just sits there with an empty window after a phenix.validate run.
Sorry, without Python embedded there's nothing you can do. Don't bother with the Coot packages distributed by CCP4 - use the binaries on Bill Scott's web page, or install it with Fink. I think the GUI used to display a warning if the Coot build was incomplete, but I never got this to work properly. Unfortunately several other people have run into this same problem, so I'll see if I can restore the Python check.
-------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]
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