Hi, I downloaded dev-1005 version and in Graphics window there is no Sec.Str.? Thanks, Leo
It's messy - click "Graphics" on the toolbar, then "Sec. Str." on the toolbar of the graphics window, which will open the editor for these restraints. I will make this more accessible ASAP, and I'll add a menu option to simply wipe out the current definitions. Dr. Leonid A. Sazanov Research group leader Medical Research Council Mitochondrial Biology Unit Wellcome Trust / MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY WEB: www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk Tel: +44-1223-252910 Fax: +44-1223-252915 On 15/03/2012 19:29, Leonid Sazanov wrote:
Hi, I have a following problem in dev-874 version:
If I restore a previous job in refine GUI, to run it with modified settings, and include a new parameter file .eff with definitinon of secondary structure restrains, these new restrains are combined with previously used restrains. How do i get rid of previous restrains? Older file is not visible in inputs, but its settings are still used. And in general, how can one be sure which parameters are used at the start of each refine run? If older settings loaded from .eff or .param file are not visible, the only way is to look through new .eff file, which takes a lot of time. Has this been solved in latest builds perhaps? Thank you, Leo