Hello all,


I am trying to use the command line tool phenix.sculpt_ensemble to process a series of PDB files in preparation for molecular replacement.


However, when I run the following on the command line:


phenix.sculpt_ensemble 2*.pdb input.target_sequence=RRAS2.fasta


I get the following errors:


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Applications/phenix-1.21rc1-5015/build/../modules/phaser/phaser/command_line/sculpt_ensemble.py", line 84, in <module>

    sculpt_ensemble.run( phil = params.phil, logger = logger )

  File "/Applications/phenix-1.21rc1-5015/modules/phaser/phaser/sculpt_ensemble.py", line 610, in run

    logger = logger,

  File "/Applications/phenix-1.21rc1-5015/modules/phaser/phaser/sculpt_ensemble.py", line 259, in read_in_target_sequence_files

    for ( fname, i ) in itertools.zip_longest( filenames, range( 1, nchains + 1 ) ):

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'zip_longest'



I am running phenix 1.21rc1-5015-000 on Mac OS 13.5.1.


Any ideas?


