On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Ursula Schulze-Gahmen
The message is "No orientations to test for Set #1"
I am quite sure I selected the previous solution.
My guess would be either it's a bug, or (less likely) it didn't actually find any solutions but didn't make that obvious. I see very different output in the current code versus the log file you sent me, so it's not clear which is the likely explanation. However, if you can dig through the tracking data, you should find a file like this: $PROJECT/.phenix/project_data/phaser_mr_1.pkl with "1" replaced by the job ID for the brute rotation function search; if you can send me this file off-list I will take a look. (Fortunately it does appear to be possible to extract the keywords for specifying the solution, but you'll have to run Phaser in CCP4i to use it.) I'm hoping the problem is magically solved with the new code, although you'll have to wait at least another 20 hours to use it. -Nat