Dear All, I have noticed a (too much?) increment in the difference between Rwork and Rfree upon introduction of anisotropic ADPs, from 18.6/21.6 (isotropic ADPs) to 14.5/20.0. The max resolution is 1.6 A with good statistics. What could be the reason for that? Is 1.6 A too low for anisotropic ADPs in phenix? I would like to keep Rwork/Rfree values nearer, how could I do? Thank you. Bye, Roberto. Roberto Battistutta Associate Professor Department of Chemistry University of Padua via Marzolo 1, 35131 Padova - ITALY tel. +39.049.8275265/67 fax. +39.049.8275239 [email protected] www.chimica.unipd.it/roberto.battistutta/ VIMM (Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine) via Orus 2, 35129 Padova - ITALY tel. +39.049.7923236 fax +39.049.7923250 www.vimm.it