Dear Phenixbb members, I have a data-set of a 8 kDa protein crystal around 2.5A resolution. The protein crystal was soaked in potassium iodine before collecting data using in-house beam (1.54A wavelength). As I expected some anomalous signal from the iodine ion from the crystal, after I use Imosflm to index, integrate and scale the data (space group P3). I got four output .mtz files: pointless_XXX.mtz; aimless_xxx.mtz; ctruncate_xxx.mtz; ctruncate_xxx-unique.mtz. After I check with viewHKL, I found the only unmerged mtz data is pointless_XXX.mtz, the other three mtz files are merged. The next step I tried to use Phenix Xtriage (Linux version 1.10.1) to check my mtz data for anomalous completeness, I thought in this step my mtz should be unmerged type to see the anomalous signal, so I chose "pointless_xxx.mtz" as Xtriage input, but for the data labels in the Xtriage GUI panel, I can only have two choices of "I, SIGI, Merged" and "IPR, SIGIPR, Merged", it seems I do not have a choice of an unmerged mtz label. I decide to leave this choice blank by choosing data labels"---". After I click "run", Xtriage gave an error "please select labels for input data". Any input on this issue? Thanks in advance.