On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Jens Kaiser
I have project data on external hard drives. As I use several different file systems, and mount the drives in random order, I cannot rely on the device being mounted in the same mount point. In order to keep paths consistent, I link the project directories into my home. This used to work fine. I recently created a project, and phenix seemed to have used the real path instead of the link-path (That's not the problem, yet).
Sorry about this - unfortunately, it is a limitation that is unlikely to go away any time soon. (Converting to the absolute path is necessary in cases where a user types in a file name instead of using the browse button/dialog.) I will investigate whether there is an easy solution to this, but it's probably going to be several weeks before I have time to do anything. Are you using a Mac or Linux? There are ways to set the mount point so it won't change, which I suspect will prove easier in the long run than hacking the Phenix project databases.
I tried to manually edit ~/.phenix/project_db.phil, but it still tries to write in a non-existing directory. A naive 'grep -R "disk-1" ~/.phenix' did not reveal any obvious file either. Where can I change the directory associated with a project {per,con}sistently?
You need to edit