Hi Pavel,
thanks for the info. With it I was able to correctly define the symmetry-related links as per this example:
refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {bond {action = *addatom_selection_1 = name ZN and chain C and resname ZN and resseq 1atom_selection_2 = name NE2 and chain A and resname HIS and altid A and resseq 39symmetry_operation = -x+1,y+1/2,-z+1/2distance_ideal = 2.030000sigma = 0.050}
Unfortunately, this didn't have the desired result. Instead, the addition of riding hydrogens fixed the problem.I've also attached the relevant fragment of the refined model as requested.
On 17 October 2012 13:04, Pavel Afonine <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Alex,
Nigel is the best person to reply, so he may provide more comments. My understanding is that phenix.metal_coordination command (or whatever the equivalent click in the GUI is) should account for symmetry related atoms. If not you can fix it manually. First create edits file using phenix.metal_coordination and then add symmetry related bonds as described here:
Also, could you please send me the PDB file or its portion containing relevant to your question atoms and I will have a closer look?
On 10/16/12 6:33 PM, Alex Theodossis wrote:
Dear bb,
I am trying to refine a Zn ion coordinated by symmetry related residues. To avoid groups being pushed away. I have use phenix.metal_coordination togenerate the necessary link edits. However only non-symmetry related interactions are accounted for. Is there a relevant option I can switch on?Alternatively, does anyone have an example of the syntax required to define the necessary symmetry operations in the elbow.edits file?
Thanks in advance.
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