Dear Smith, you might want to use a tool like 'diff' or 'vimdiff' to spot the difference between the two files. The phenix syntax uses a star '*' to make the choice from a list of possibilities, which you may have overlooked. Best, Tim On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:09:24PM +0800, Smith Liu wrote:
Dear All,
Someone told me from the refine eff file, I can know what is my strategy for my refinement.
I have run 2 refines with the same input files, For one refine, in the graphical interface I have checked xyz-coordinates, Real-space, Individual B-factors, Occupanies, Optimize X-ray/sterochemistry weight, Automaticaly orrect N/Q/H erros. For the other refine, I only checked XYZcoordinates, Real-space and Autonomously correct N/Q/H errors.
I have checked the eff files from the 2 diffrent refines, but I cannot find any diffrence in the eff file.
Thus will you please tell me how to find the diffrence in the 2 eff files? Or my strategies for each refine was recorded in the other files?
I am looking forward to getting your reply.
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-- -- Dr Tim Gruene Institut fuer anorganische Chemie Tammannstr. 4 D-37077 Goettingen GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A