On Dec 4, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Yu Wai Chen wrote:
.... Unable to analyze /home/wai/dbe15_sh/SeM8/phnx/sem8_remo.mtz with xtriage (a total of 3 instances of this) . . . Testing anisotropy in /home/wai/dbe15_sh/SeM8/phnx/sem8_peak.mtz ... Applying overall anisotropic B correction to /home/wai/dbe15_sh/SeM8/phnx/sem8_peak.mtz to yield AutoSol_run_8_/TEMP0/ANISO_sem8_peak.mtz.sca Overall B set to minimum of the trace of B values Unable to get range of aniso B from xtriage output Multiple equally suitable arrays of observed xray data found.
wavelength { data = sem8_peak.mtz labels = "I, SIGI, M_ISYM" }
What happens when you specify the labels as simply "I SIGI"? ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]