Hi Nick, I think I tried that at some point, but the problem lies in the IOBS. Some are regular float fortran format: INDE 3 0 0 FOBS= 100.142 SIGMA= 1.478 IOBS= 10028.400 SIGI= 293.800 TEST= 0 while other IOBS are large and for some reason CNS decided to put them in scientific notation such as INDE 5 0 0 FOBS= 492.449 SIGMA= 17.677 IOBS= 0.242506E+06 SIGI= 17098.000 TEST= 0 As far as I can tell this requires two sets of fortran format statements for f2mtz to work properly. format '(6X,3F5.0,6X,F10.3,7X,F10.3,6X,E15.3,/,24X,F10.3,6X,F10.0)' or format '(6X,3F5.0,6X,F10.3,7X,F10.3,6X,F10.3,/,24X,F10.3,6X,F10.0)' I'm playing around with with grep to separate the original cv file into reflections with IOBS in F10.3 format and those with IOBS in E15.3 format, convert with f2mtz, then CAD them together, but this is bloody cumbersome. I was hoping phenix.refine would just automagically figure it all out. Scott On Jan 14, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Noinaj, Nicholas (NIH/NIDDK) [F] wrote:
<not sure if anyone has remedied your problem yet>
I don't know if you can read cns file directly into phenix.refine. but here is another option....convert the cns file to *.mtz using CCP4. If you use the CCP4i GUI --> Reflection Data utilities --> Convert to/modify/extend MTZ. You can also retain the original flagged reflections here also. You can then use the *.mtz file in phenix.refine.
If you need further help, just drop me a quick email. I can also try it here if you supply me with the data file, but this may be too 'top secret' (lol). Best of Luck!
Cheers, Nick
-----Original Message----- From: Scott Classen [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:06 PM To: PHENIX user mailing list Subject: [phenixbb] Will phenix.refine read CNS *.cv files?
Hi all, I'm embarking on a collaboration with someone who is providing me with CNS cross validated data files. They look something like this.
NREFlection= 92086 ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE} DECLare NAME=FOBS DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=SIGMA DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=IOBS DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=SIGI DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=TEST DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=INTE END INDE 3 0 0 FOBS= 100.142 SIGMA= 1.478 IOBS= 10028.400 SIGI= 293.800 TEST= 0 INDE 4 0 0 FOBS= 158.996 SIGMA= 2.329 IOBS= 25279.600 SIGI= 735.200 TEST= 0 INDE 5 0 0 FOBS= 492.449 SIGMA= 17.677 IOBS= 0.242506E+06 SIGI= 17098.000 TEST= 0 INDE 7 0 0 FOBS= 246.492 SIGMA= 3.127 IOBS= 60758.400 SIGI= 1531.800 TEST= 0 INDE 8 0 0 FOBS= 32.790 SIGMA= 0.549 IOBS= 1075.200 SIGI= 35.700 TEST= 1 INDE 9 0 0 FOBS= 426.866 SIGMA= 8.886 IOBS= 0.182215E+06 SIGI= 7507.000 TEST= 0 INDE 10 0 0 FOBS= 411.347 SIGMA= 8.597 IOBS= 0.169206E+06 SIGI= 6999.000 TEST= 0 INDE 11 0 0 FOBS= 87.275 SIGMA= 1.346 IOBS= 7617.000 SIGI= 233.200 TEST= 0
When I try to run phenix.refine --dry_run my_model.pdb my_CNS_cv_file.cv
I get the following error:
Processing inputs. This may take a minute or two. Sorry: Unknown file format: my_CNS_cv_file.cv
Any ideas?
Thanks, Scott
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scott Classen, Ph.D. SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1 http://bl1231.als.lbl.gov Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd MS6R2100 Berkeley, CA 94720 C) 510.206.4418 O) 510.495.2697 Beamline) 510.495.2134 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
_______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://www.phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scott Classen, Ph.D. SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1 http://bl1231.als.lbl.gov Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd MS6R2100 Berkeley, CA 94720 C) 510.206.4418 O) 510.495.2697 Beamline) 510.495.2134 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~