Hi all,
during finalization of a structure I wanted to quickly check the effect of cartesion vs. torsion ncs. Surprisingly changing settings in the GUI did not effect the stats at all (numerically identical runs).
I did a quick check with
Release 2155 (1.10.1)
Release 1692 (1.9)
Release 2294 (dev)
on the commandline with just the pdb and mtz and with and without
main.ncs=true (old version)
ncs_search.enabled=True (new versions)
Again nothing changed in the stats in the new versions, whereas the old version correctly stated the identified torsion NCS-pairs in the log and gave diverging stats.
Maybe I'am triggering a bug here? I know the ncs code is under reconstruction, but no change (especially in log output) is troublesome.
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann <eckhard.hofmann@bph.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
Ruhr-Uni Bochum
AG Proteinkristallographie, LS Biophysik, ND04/318
44780 Bochum
Tel: +49-(0)234/32-24463, Sekr. -24461, FAX: -14762
ORCID: 0000-0003-4874-372X
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