
I am trying to find a convenient way to generate maps using phenix.mtz2map at increasingly greater values of d_min.

For example: 

I have a .mtz file of a structure solved at 2.4A. I run phenix.mtz2map with d_min=none and obtain a map using all of the resolution data. I would like to also create 10 more maps with d_min = 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4,...12.4A. 
An mtz of 1.7A would increment at 2.7, 3.7...11.7A, etc.

Might anyone know of a handy way to automate this over a large number of mtz files? 

ALTERNATIVELY - I am performing a phenix.cut_out_density step prior to this. So if it might be easier to automate a incrementing high resolution cutoff in phenix.cut_out_density, that would also work.

Thanks for your help.
