I think the problem with the apply_cif_link may be that the atoms are more
than 3 angstrom apart. Could you send me the cyclic peptide directly?
NB. Any files sent to me will be held in strictest confidence.
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 8:14 AM, wei xia
Hi, I am trying to refine a structure with a cyclic peptide ligand. I create a 'TRANS' link between the C-ter and N-ter residues of the cyclic peptide during refinement. But there is obvious no bond formed between the two residues in the refined structure. I checked the geo file and found that there are only angle restraints but no bond restraints between the two residues Anyone can help me out? Thanks in advance!
refinement.pdb_interpretation.apply_cif_link {
data_link = TRANS
residue_selection_1 = chain D and resname MVA and resid 5005
residue_selection_2 = chain D and resname ARG and resid 5001
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