After check my data with Phenix Xtriage, I got a warning of "the anomalous completeness is 42.34%".
I do not know if I need to pay attention to this? I did not do experimental phasing and I did not add heavy metal to my crystal nor there is selenium on my protein. I even don't know why I still get the anomalous signal.
But from the detailed summary below I guess in my case it's not a problem?
File name:
Data labels: I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)
Space group: P 1 2 1
Unit cell: 72.255, 46.617, 134.086, 90, 90.052, 90
Data type: xray.intensity
Resolution: 49.1682 - 2.5855
Anomalous: True
Number of reflections (non-anomalous): 27184
Completeness (non-anomalous): 95.42%
Number of reflections (all): 38285
Completeness (all): 69.98%
Anomalous completeness: 42.34%
Completeness (non-anomalous) is the completeness of the data after merging
Friedel pairs.
Completeness (all) is the completeness of the data before merging Friedel
Completeness (anomalous) is the completeness of the anomalous data. The
anomalous completeness is calcluated by dividing the number of measured
acentric, Bijvoet mates by the total possible number of acentric indices.
Completeness (non-anomalous) should be used to determine if there is
sufficient data for non-anomalous purposes (refinement, model-building).
A value greater than 90% is generally desired, while a value less than
75% is considered poor. Values in between will provide less than optimal
Completeness (anomalous) should be used to determine if there is sufficient
data for anomalous purposes (phasing, finding anomalous atoms, refinement
of anomalous occupancies or scattering factors). A value greater than 80%
is generally desired, while a value less than 50% is considered poor. Values
in between will provide less than optimal results.