13 Jul
13 Jul
5:35 p.m.
Although my usual m.o. is SHELX -> SHARP I'm exploring HYSS -> PHASER -> RESOLVE to see if the maps are any more interpretable. I think I've got good scripts for the first two steps but I'm not sure about my resolve script which stands at: phenix.resolve << EOD hklin myp3_auto.mtz LABIN FP=F SIGFP=SIGF PHIB=PHIB FOM=FOM HLA=HLA HLB=HLB HLC=HLC HLD=HLD hklout resolve.mtz solvent_content 0.45 seq_file myp3.pir EOD This runs, but I could not tell from delving into the documentation if this was ideal or not. Thanks Phil Jeffrey (a Luddite and not using the GUI) Princeton