When refining the same (large) molecule in several different crystal forms at about 3.1 A resolution, I noticed that in two cases when experimental phase information is available, in phenix.refine-1.3 I get worse Ramachandran compared to phenix.refine-1.24 - about 2% less residues in most favored regions. In one case when there is no experimental phase information, there is no difference between two phenix versions. What could be the reason for that? These comparisons where done for cases when final RMSDs and R-factors are similar (and all RMSDs calculated in v.1.3), so automatic weights adjustment in v.1.3 should not have played much role. Adding to other people's comments, it would be useful to be able to switch this adjustment off, as sometimes one wants full control over final RMSDs, etc. Thanks! -- Dr. Leonid A. Sazanov Research group leader Medical Research Council Dunn Human Nutrition Unit Wellcome Trust / MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY WEB: www.mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk Tel: +44-1223-252910 Fax: +44-1223-252915