On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 3:00 AM, Dialing Pretty
In the Ming dial, there is a occupancy (%), which indication of excellent , good, etc. Does it mean if I choose the "occupancy" of excellent, the rotamer outlier ratio will be lowered? My crystal has a resolution of 2.8, and I find no matter how I turn the dial, the original fits the map best. Currently my rotamer outlier is 8%, thus I need the way to have it solved.
I'm not familiar with the program Ming - can you point us to a web page? Regarding rotamer outliers, it may be difficult to completely eliminate them at this resolution - the dihedral angle restraints are not very tight. However, you may need to adjust the backbone to get a rotameric sidechain conformation to fit the density properly (before and after refinement). -Nat