Hi All, Looking to generate restraints for phenix.refine that are similiar/equivalent to external restraints in REFMAC. From over viewing the documentation i feel the correct way to do this is to generate bond restraints, i.e: Equivalent of: exte dist first chain A resi 38 atom C alte A second chain A resi 38 atom C alte B value 0.0 sigma 0.02 type 1 would be : refinment.geometry_restraints.edits { bond { action = *add atom_selection_1 = chain A and resid 38 and altloc A and name C atom_selection_2 = chain A and resid 38 and altloc B and name C symmetry_operation = None distance_ideal = 0.0 sigma = 0.02 slack = None } } If this is incorrect: Am i missing another way to create external restraint functionality in phenix, or am I making a more fundamental misunderstanding of how restraints are handled in both programs? Thanks in advance Elliot Nelson