Hi Jose,
I am refining a structure with phenix.refine (cci_apps 2007_08_18_1856). The strategy includes refinement of tls, individual_adp, and individual_sites (during the same run.)
OK, this is usually good thing to do.
In order to test different restraints for ADP´s refinement, I have changed the value of the wxu_scale from the default.
Yes, this is the way how you change the strength of ADP restraints in all cases except when you do combined "TLS+individual ADP" refinement. In order to make the refinement very robust and efficient we re-refined ~350 TLS containing structures from PDB performing the grid search for wxu_scale parameter and we found some optimal values for wxu_scale as a function of resolution. We use these values in automatic adjustment that you are mentioning. So currently there is no way you can turn off this adjustment; however I realize that users may want to play with wxu_scale themselves and skip the adjustments so I will provide this option in future. Just out of curiosity, do you have any particular reason to change wxu_scale in TLS+ADP refinement? Let me know if you have any questions. Pavel.