I want to be able to run PHENIX in a shell script, where stdin is accepted as a definition input file. It could be simply specified as the usual POSIX syntax where "-" defines stdin in place of an input file. If the front-end is based too heavily on file suffix mappings, you could add a flag "--stdin=SUFFIX" to define reading stdin as if it had the given SUFFIX. It would also be nice to avoid the duplication of output to both stdout and the .log file. Output can always be sent to /dev/null, but it would be nicer to have either a --quiet flag to suppress stdout, or a DEF option to disable the .log output, or both options to let the user decide. Most other computational programs can be run this way, so I assume that other people would find this useful, especially for running PHENIX from scripts. Hopefully, it is also a fairly easy feature to implement. Thanks, Joe Krahn