
Sorry for the delay.

I made some changes to the restraints library to handle SIA and alpha 2-6 linkages in April so it's there in the more recent versions but you may need to specify the linkage. Could you please send me your problem residues and I'll provide the exact command.



NB. Any files sent to me will be held in strictest confidence.

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 11:18 AM, <fn1@rice.edu> wrote:
Hi all,

I read some previous post on LSTc [SIA(alpha2-6)GAL(beta1-4)NAG] refinement, but i still cannot figure out how to refine it in PHENIX. In the current version of phenix, i still could not find the ALPHA2-6 link. Does anybody have such experience?

Another question is that, sialic acid (SIA) is in the monomer library of phenix. But when i run on the pdb directly, it will give the error information like, "unknown bond type for O1A and O1B". �Though this error could be solved by provided the cif file generated by phenix.elbow.

Thank you very much!

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Nigel W. Moriarty
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