Hello all, based on ${prefix}_001_f_model.mtz from phenix.refine, I would like to prepare a cif file with structure factors. FOBS, SIGFOBS, R_FREE_FLAGS, FMODEL, PHIFMODEL, FOM are available in (+) and (-) versions, presumably representing Bijvoet pairs. My questions are: 1) are FMODEL, PHIFMODEL the most appropriate columns for calculated amplitudes and phases for the purpose of PDB deposition? 2) I understand that the PDB sf_tool does not accommodate separate (+)/(-) columns for some of the items. A job for phenix.reciprocal_space_arrays and a reflection file without anomalous differences? Alternatively, I imagine that phenix has a tailored procedure just for the preparation of PDB deposition, but I may not have used the correct web search terms to find the instructions. Thank you in anticipation, Wolfram Tempel