*43**rd** Mid-Atlantic Macromolecular Crystallography Meeting* *May 30 – June 1, 2013* *Duke University* *Durham, NC* The 43rd Mid-Atlantic Macromolecular Crystallography Meeting (MAMCM) will be held at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. This meeting fosters discussion and interaction among structural biologists from around the Mid-Atlantic region. Registration is now open at http://www.mid-atlantic.org. The deadline for registration is May 15th. This year will feature keynote speaker Tom Terwilliger from Los Alamos National Lab, workshops on PHENIX and MolProbity, plus many talks & posters on new and exciting research. Presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts and preference will be given to young researchers. The best presentation and poster by a Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Fellow will be awarded. We encourage you to submit your abstracts and sign up for the workshops as these are separate processes from registration. *IMPORTANT: *A block of rooms have been reserved at the Millennium hotel as well as the Duke dormitories. The deadline for reserving a room at the Millennium is May 9th. With best wishes on behalf of the primary Organizing Committee, Charlie Pemble _____________________________ Charles W. Pemble IV, Ph.D. Duke University Medical Center 308 Research Drive LSRC, A06 Durham, NC 27708 [email protected]