On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Felix Frolow <mbfrolow@post.tau.ac.il> wrote:
I get it! in my case it is a right click!!! :-)
On Jul 13, 2012, at 22:10 , Nathaniel Echols wrote:<pdb_info.png><b_list.png>_______________________________________________Since this question has come up before, I've added a window for displaying this in the GUI. Clicking the magnifying glass icon next to any PDB file will already open a panel showing an overview of the model contents, and now there will also be a button labeled "B-factors by chain" for any file with multiple chains. Clicking this button will display the isotropic B-factors statistics by chain. Under the circumstances, I'm assuming the B-factor field in the PDB file is already the total B-factor.This will be available in the next nightly build.-Nat