On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 12:50 PM, wtempel
I noticed the following when loading a phenix-created python TODO script using the 4730 and 5100 Linux-x86_64-ubuntu-12.04.3-python-gtk2 coot builds. A "MolProbity to-do list" window opens. GUI functions such as "Show Probe dots" and "Overlap only" are working as expected. Clicking anywhere within the "C-beta outliers" or "Severe clashes" areas of the window moves the display center to problem areas of the structure. But: no text is visible in any of the columns ("Chain", "Residue", "Name", etc. of the "C-beta outliers area"; "Atom 1", Atom 2", "Overlap" of the "Severe clashes"). As a result, I cannot select a specific problem spot for centering. Any ideas?
That's strange - it's working fine for me, but I'm using the latest code. Which version are you using? Could you please send me the script? Another molprobity related question: us there a phenix script that produces
a list of NQH flip candidates?
The version in the nightly build will output these, but they don't make it into the to-do list yet. (They have always appeared in the Phenix GUI, however.) -Nat