On Feb 9, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Carruthers, Carl W. wrote:
When making an composite omit map in Phenix 1.6 GUI, the final “resolve_composite_map.mtz” file won’t load in coot or pymol. When I click the little magnifying glass on the Summary page, Phenix states that it can’t find the file, even though I can see it when using Finder (Mac OS).
Well, the second part is definitely a reproducible bug; the GUI is messing up the path because that file ends up in a different place than everything else of interest. I hadn't actually intended for the PyMOL button to show up in this program - that feature is very flaky because PyMOL can't read MTZ files directly (they are always being converted to XPLOR maps as required). However, it easily opened in Coot via the button in the same window. Do any of the other Coot functions in the GUI work? If not, I suspect you have a defective build of Coot, which is a frequent problem. Nat ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]