29 Nov
29 Nov
4:05 p.m.
Dear developers: I have tried to use eLBOW in version 1.21rc1.5058 to generate a cif file for a ligand and the program give me the following error: SMILES parser error:"Unable to load parsing table". The smiles string used was OP(OP(O)(O)=O)(O)=O, but it does not work for other strings. It does work if you supply a pdb file with connect records. If I use version 1.20.1-4487 with the same smiles string it does work properly. Is there any bur in the 1.21 version? Best regards -- Fº Javier Medrano Cristalografía de Macromoléculas Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas C/ Ramiro de Maeztu, nº 9 Madrid - Spain