Hi all, I am trying to run Phenix AutoSol on a SAD data set. Sadly enough, it fails on me during reading in the mtz file with the error message below. The same happens with both intensities or amplitudes. phenix version 1.5-2 run through the gui where I read in the mtz file and specified I+, I-, ... Any ideas? Thanks Jan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error message: ImportRawData_output_files ImportRawData Run 3 Tue Oct 13 18:14:37 2009 NOTE: Input labels currently restricted to: I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-) Note also: a group of labels needs to be enclosed with quotes Skipping labels I(+) SIGI(+) I(-) SIGI(-) which do not match requested labels **************************************** AutoSol Input failed -- Jan Abendroth deCODE biostructures Seattle / Bainbridge Island WA, USA work: JAbendroth_at_decode.is home: Jan.Abendroth_at_gmail.com