Hello, I noticed the following when loading a phenix-created python TODO script using the 4730 and 5100 Linux-x86_64-ubuntu-12.04.3-python-gtk2 coot builds. A "MolProbity to-do list" window opens. GUI functions such as "Show Probe dots" and "Overlap only" are working as expected. Clicking anywhere within the "C-beta outliers" or "Severe clashes" areas of the window moves the display center to problem areas of the structure. But: no text is visible in any of the columns ("Chain", "Residue", "Name", etc. of the "C-beta outliers area"; "Atom 1", Atom 2", "Overlap" of the "Severe clashes"). As a result, I cannot select a specific problem spot for centering. Any ideas? Another molprobity related question: us there a phenix script that produces a list of NQH flip candidates? Thank you, Wolfram Tempel Attached image: Clicking in the white areas on the window in the attached screen grab will move the center of the coot display, but labels for the problem areas are not shown in the window's columns.