Hi Fengyun, no problems, here is the updated script and inputs files to illustrate how it works: http://cci.lbl.gov/~afonine/mssa2/ All it needs is a bunch of PDB files and corresponding map coefficients. Let me know if you have any questions. Pavel. On 9/9/10 7:48 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Hi Pavel,
The script works fine. I hope you could slightly revise the script for me.
Since right now, I could run the multi-sa on different nodes at the same time. So I could get the refined models in the name of sa-#.pdb within a short time.
So I could begin with the different models and combine them to "all.pdb" and calculate the average map after that. But I don't know how to revise the run.py to do that.
Wait for your help. Thanks! Fengyun
引用 Pavel Afonine
: Hi Fengyun,
my previous email actually doens't answer your question - I realized this after I pushed Sent button -:)
To really answer your question I just wrote a Python script that does the following: - run multi-start Simulated Annealing, - combine all refined models into one multi-model PDB file (models separated by MODEL-ENDMDL records), and - compute averaged 2mFo-DFc map.
The complete working example is here:
You have two options at this point:
- take this example, slightly change inputs by editing the run.py file (change input data and model file names, number of SA runs, etc) and run it as following:
phenix.python run.py
(since I spent 15 minutes on writing this script it's obviously not thoroughly tested or parameter-optimized, although I believe it should do the job right)
- wait a few days for one of the next PHENIX nightly builds where the above script will be available as a user-friendly either phenix.multi_start_sa command or an option of phenix.maps (I haven't decided yet what is better).
Let me know if you have any questions.
I read on the paper that they use CNS (model_map.inp) to calculate the avarage sigmaA-weighted 2fofc map. Right now I have set up the simulated annealing with different random seeds. I wonder whether phenix could calculate the average map with the multiple coordinates from different starts?